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2è clip single de l’album d’Ekinoxx qui sortira en automne 2023 après la sortie du EP de son collectif’’Akkrozik’’ en mars 2023.
Collabo avec la talentueuse chanteuse RnB/Soul’’Joyciana’’

‘’Gotta run gotta run
Can't look back
When they got so much to say
But ain't got shit on their own
The real haters hate
Cause ur bad and it shows

Today's a new day
Leave the past behind
Your future is calling
Don't press rewind
Oh me oh my

‘’Positif Po Po Positif

Couplet en fr

Chorus (2x)
Don't let
Nobody hold you back
Baby just work with what you got
And leave all the BS outside
I know You will be alright

Don't worry tomorrow will be better
Positif, positif
Said don’t you worry tomorrow will be better

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